• Welcome to Nerve Muscle Society!
    Our aim is to promote and co-ordinate scientific activities and research at International level
  • Join Our Team!
    Join our vast team of specialists including doctors, scientists, pathologists, physiologists, therapists and more and contribute for improvement of nerve muscle disorders
Our Mission
The main aim of the society is to promote and co-ordinate various scientific activities, research, therapeutic aspects of various disorders, among all those involved in the care, research and management of Nerve, Muscle, Neuromuscular junction disorders and also to co-ordinate at International level.
Types of Memberships
Regular Members (RM)
  • Eligibility: Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neuropathologists, Extra-ordinary Neuroscientists.
  • Becomes permanent member of the Society.
  • Have voting rights.
  • Eligible to contest for post of an office bearer of Society.
Honorary Members (HM)
  • Eligibility: Senior Neurologists in the country or abroad who have made outstanding contribution to the field of nerve muscle disorders.
  • Are selected by nomination, approved unanimously by all founding members.
  • Have voting rights.
Associate Members (AM)
  • Eligibility: MBBS, PhD, Masters Degree or above, Nurses, Counselors, Speech Therapists, Psychologists and more.
  • Becomes permanent member of the society.
  • Have voting rights.
Student Members (SM)
  • Eligibility: students engaged in clinical and research specialization in Neurology.
  • Need a letter from supervisor/head of the department to become member of the society.
Register for Membership
Interested in joining our society? Register now to get membership!