Our Mission
The main aim of the society is to promote and co-ordinate various scientific activities, research, therapeutic aspects of various disorders, among all those involved in the care, research and management of Nerve, Muscle, Neuromuscular junction disorders and also to co-ordinate at International level.
Types of Memberships
Regular Members (RM)
- Eligibility: Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neuropathologists, Extra-ordinary Neuroscientists.
- Becomes permanent member of the Society.
- Have voting rights.
- Eligible to contest for post of an office bearer of Society.
Honorary Members (HM)
- Eligibility: Senior Neurologists in the country or abroad who have made outstanding contribution to the field of nerve muscle disorders.
- Are selected by nomination, approved unanimously by all founding members.
- Have voting rights.
Associate Members (AM)
- Eligibility: MBBS, PhD, Masters Degree or above, Nurses, Counselors, Speech Therapists, Psychologists and more.
- Becomes permanent member of the society.
- Have voting rights.
Student Members (SM)
- Eligibility: students engaged in clinical and research specialization in Neurology.
- Need a letter from supervisor/head of the department to become member of the society.
Register for Membership
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