Executive Committee
Dr. Vinod Puri, Delhi
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Senior Director neurology and Head Comprehensive Epilepsy Services, Former Director Professor and Head Neurology, GB Pant Hospital, GIPMER,New Delhi, Max Superspeciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi
Dr. Achal Kumar Srivastava, Delhi
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Professor, Department of Neurology, AIIMS, New Delhi
Dr. Swati Himanshu Shah, Ahmedabad
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Consultant Neurology, Neurology Clinic and EMG Centre, B-301 Shivalik Yash, 132′ Ring Road,Opp Shastrinagar BRTS Stop, Naranpura, Ahmedabad
Executive Committee Members
Dr. M D Nair, Thiruvananthapuram
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Professor & Head, Department of Neurology, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Dr. Manoj Kumar Goyal, Chandigarh
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Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Dr. Karkal Ravishankar Naik, Belgaum
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Professor & Head, Department of Neurology, J.N.Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka
Dr. J C Maloo, Jodhpur
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Consultant Neurologist and Director, Manidhari Hospital & Maloo Neurocenter, Jodhpur
Past President
Dr. Satish V Khadilkar, Mumbai
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Professor & Head, Department of Neurology, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai