Types of Memberships
We are delighted to know that you are interested in becoming a member of the Nerve Muscle Society. Please select a category of membership that suits your background:
All professionals fulfilling either of the criteria described below will be eligible for Regular membership (RM) of Society:
- Neurologists (DM/DNB/equivalent international degree)
- Neurosurgeons (MCh/DNB/equivalent international degree)
- Neuropathologists (MD/DNB/equivalent international degree)
- Extra-ordinary neuroscientist: Those with degree in medical science (MBBS of equivalent) with outstanding contribution to NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS which are unanimously ratified by the Founding Members.
All RM will be permanent member of Society and will have voting rights. However, only those Regular Members who are neurologists (DM or DNB or any international equivalent degree in Neurology) or neurosurgeons (MCh or DNB or any international equivalent degree in Neurosurgery) will be eligible to contest for post of an office bearer of Society after two terms (each term of three years) following inception of Society. To contest for office bearer of Society, a candidate should fulfill other eligibility criteria as mentioned below in Section 12. The neurosurgeons can contest only for the 2 out of 6 posts of Executive Committee members.
- Senior Neurologists in the country or abroad who have made outstanding contribution to the field of nerve muscle disorders can be offered honorary membership.
- Honorary Members will be selected by nomination, approved unanimously by all founding members and subsequently approved by Executive Committee and General Body.
- No more than two honorary memberships would be offered per year.
- At any point in time total number of Honorary Member should not exceed 5% of the total permanent members (Functional Member, Regular Member, and Associate Member).
- Honorary members will have voting rights but no right to become an office bearer.
- The Executive Committee can offer suitable any other memberships to all applicants who have demonstrated clinical/research experience in NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS and Neuromuscular disorders and wish to work for furthering their contribution in NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS and Motor unit.
- All other professionals working in the disciplines described in objectives, i.e. those involved in clinical care and research in the field of NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS but do not meet the criteria for Regular Membership will be Associate Members of the Society. Associate Members will include MBBS, PhD in the field of neuroscience, Masters Degree or above, nurses, counselors, speech therapists, psychologists, Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, Neuro-electrophysiology technicians, Scientists working in the field of Nerve muscle and others who can demonstrate interest and contribution to the field of Nerve muscle disorders
- A clinician having MBBS degree and PhD
- MD/MS/DNB equivalent international degree (or higher) in Medicine/Pediatrics/ Radiology/ Surgery/ Pathology or any allied specialty interested in Nerve muscle disorder
- Associate Members who obtain the necessary eligibility for becoming Regular Member can do so after producing documentation and after paying balance fees
- One Functional Member or two Regular Member should endorse the interest and contribution of all applicants for Associate Membership to the field of Nerve muscle disorder
- All AM will be permanent members of society and will have voting right but will not have the right to become office bearer
- All students engaged in clinical and research specialization in Neurology (medicine, surgery, pediatrics, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, genetics, neurosciences etc.) will be eligible for student membership of Society. For application of student membership, a letter from supervisor/head of the department will be required.
- Student membership will be temporary till the member ceases to be a student. The student membership will have to be renewed every 3 years.
- Student member will not have voting right or any right to become an office bearer.