Rules And Regulations Of Nerve Muscle Society

  • The Society that is established under these Rules and Regulations shall be known as the "NERVE MUSCLE SOCIETY".
  • These Rules and Regulations shall be called Rules and Regulation of "NERVE MUSCLE SOCIETY".
  • Definitions:
    • “Act” means the Delhi Societies Registration Act, and Rules.
    • “Member” means the one who qualifies to be member and fulfills all conditions relating to membership.
    • “Executive Committee” means, The Executive Committee (EC) of the NERVE MUSCLE SOCIETY.
    • “Core Interest Group” means a group specializing in one core area or discipline and works for the enrichment of clinical and research activities related to that group.
    • “President“ means the President of the Society.
    • ‘Vice President‘ means the Vice President of the Society.
    • 'General Secretary' / ‘Secretary’ means the General Secretary / Secretary of the Society. The two expressions wherever used in the Rules shall have the same meaning and denote one post only.
    • 'Treasurer means the Treasurer of the Society.
    • 'Society' means “NERVE MUSCLE SOCIETY“
    • 'Year' means Financial Year from 1st April to 31st March. (But the first year shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of registration and ended on 31st March 2018).
    • The words or sentences used in the aforesaid rules have no any other meaning except as explained in the Bye-Laws of this Society.
  • Members of the Society:
    • Eligibility for Membership:
      • Desirous Persons / Founding Members:
        • All members who have conceptualized and started the Society will be the founding members of the society.
        • All founding members will have permanent representation in the business matters/ decision making policies of the Society, unless the member ceases to be a member of Society (either voluntarily or removed from membership of Society or on demise).
        • For initial two terms (of three years each) since its inception, office bearers of the Society will be elected from founding members.
      • Other Members : All memberships will need to be ratified by the Executive Committee and General Body of Society.
      • Regular members (RM): All professionals fulfilling either of the criteria described below will be eligible for Regular membership (RM) of Society:
        • Neurologists (DM/DNB/equivalent international degree).
        • Neurosurgeons (MCh/DNB/ equivalent international degree).
        • Neuropathologists (MD /DNB/equivalent international degree).
        • Extra-ordinary neuroscientist: Those with degree in medical science (MBBS of equivalent) with outstanding contribution to NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS which are unanimously ratified by the Founding Members.
        • All RM will be permanent member of Society and will have voting rights. However, only those Regular Members who are neurologists (DM or DNB or any international equivalent degree in Neurology) or neurosurgeons (MCh or DNB or any international equivalent degree in Neurosurgery will be eligible to contest for post of an office bearer of Society after two terms (each term of three years) following inception of Society. To contest for office bearer of Society, a candidate should fulfill other eligibility criteria as mentioned below in Section 12. The neurosurgeons can contest only for the 2 out of 6 posts of Executive Committee members.
      • Associate Members (AM):
        • All other professionals working in the disciplines described in objectives, i.e. those involved in clinical care and research in the field of NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS but do not meet the criteria for Regular Membership will be Associate Members of the Society. Associate Members will include MBBS, PhD in the field of neuroscience, Masters Degree or above, nurses, counselors, speech therapists, psychologists, Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, Neuro-electrophysiology technicians, Scientists working in the field of Nerve muscle and others who can demonstrate interest and contribution to the field of Nerve muscle disorders.
        • A clinician having MBBS degree and PhD.
        • MD/MS/DNB equivalent international degree (or higher) in Medicine/Pediatrics/ Radiology/ Surgery/ Pathology or any allied specialty interested in Nerve muscle disorder.
        • Associate Members who obtain the necessary eligibility for becoming Regular Member can do so after producing documentation and after paying balance fees.
        • One Functional Member or two Regular Member should endorse the interest and contribution of all applicants for Associate Membership to the field of Nerve muscle disorder.
        • All AM will be permanent members of SOCIETY and will have voting right but will not have the right to become office bearer.
      • Student Membership (SM):
        • All students engaged in clinical and research specialization in Neurology (medicine, surgery, pediatrics, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, genetics, neurosciences etc.) will be eligible for student membership of Society . For application of student membership, a letter from supervisor/head of the department will be required.
        • Student membership will be temporary till the member ceases to be a student. The student membership will have to be renewed every 3 years.
        • Student member will not have voting right or any right to become an office bearer.
      • Honorary Member (HM):
        • Senior Neurologists in the country or abroad who have made outstanding contribution to the field of NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERScan be offered honorary membership.
        • Honorary Members will be selected by nomination, approved unanimously by all founding members and subsequently approved by Executive Committee and General Body.
        • No more than two honorary memberships would be offered per year.
        • At any point in time total number of Honorary Member should not exceed 5% of the total permanent members (Functional Member, Regular Member, and Associate Member).
        • Honorary members will have voting rights but no right to become an office bearer.
        • The Executive Committee can offer suitable any other memberships to all applicants who have demonstrated clinical/research experience in NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS and Neuromuscular disorders and wish to work for furthering their contribution in NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS and Motor unit.
  • Procedure for applying for Membership:
    • All those who wish to become members shall submit hard & soft copies of their professional credentials to the General Secretary of SOCIETY. These may include copies of:
      • Duly filled application form
      • Current professional affiliation
      • Degree certificates
      • Eligibility degree obtained and synopsis of research carried out, published arch papers
      • Certificates from Head of the Department for Student Membership
    • Applicants are requested to use Form A for applying for Regular Members and Associate Members and Form B for Student Membership.
    • An Applicant to Regular Member and Associate Member shall get his application endorsed by one FM or two RM.
    • The Executive Committee will ratify the Secretary’s approval of a nominated applicant’s Membership by majority vote.
    • All memberships need to be ratified by Executive committee and subsequently by General Body.
  • Membership Fees for society:
    The present Executive Committee shall decide the following Membership fee. But membership fee can be revised periodically by Executive Committee which will need to be ratified by GB.
    Membership Type Amount For Those Residing In India Amount For Those Residing Abroad
    Regular Membership Rs. 8,000/-
    SAARC countries : 200USD
    Other countries : 300USD
    Associate Membership Rs. 5,000/-
    SAARC countries : 150USD
    Other Countries: 250USD
    Student Membership Rs. 3,000/- (for 3years)
    SAARC countries: 100USD (For 3 years)
    Other Countries: 200USD (For 3 years)
  • Administration of Memberships:
    • The Secretary of SOCIETY will look after the membership related matters until SOCIETY forms a Membership Committee.
    • The Secretary of SOCIETY will approve all new membership applications as per eligibility requirements and communicate the same to Executive Committee (EC).
    • At the time of becoming member, the candidate will have to sign stating that they have read the laws and Bye-laws of SOCIETY and they will abide by them, any administrative decision by EC member will be acceptable to them.
    • Executive Committee has been empowered with the right of offering professional membership to those eligible applicants within six months from the date of registration of SOCIETY.
  • Cancellation of Membership:
    • If any member does not abide by the rules and regulations as brought out in these bye-laws then his membership automatically stands cancelled. This decision will be taken in Executive Committee meeting and membership will be cancelled after serving one written notice by secretary to explain, “why his/her membership should not be cancelled for the given reason” at his registered correspondence address, with explanation time of 30 days.
    • If the Executive Committee determines that the activities of a member is not in the interests of the Society then; the membership of that person may be cancelled by Executive Committee without giving, offering any explanation.
    • The members whose membership was terminated as per para 9 (a) or (b) may reapply for entry after three years of termination. Executive Committee will consider the application for re-entry and appropriate decision would be taken.
    • If the Society intends to terminate any member as per above para 9 (a ) of (b) the Society may issue notice to that person and give an opportunity to explain about the same and final decision is of the Executive Committee and that member shall be bound by the same.
    • If any member is terminated by the Society that member is not eligible for any benefits of membership and he/she would not have any rights whatsoever on the interests of the Society.
    • If for any reason, membership is cancelled, at that time without any damages to the rights of the Society, Society is having every right to recover all the arrears due by that member to the Society by taking any suitable action. Until the clearance of such dues no facilities are provided to that expelled member and he/she has, having no right to use the same.
  • Transfer of Membership: Membership in the Society is not transferable or assignable.
  • Rights and Special Rights of a Member:
    • The member of the Society is having right to attend any General Body Meeting and vote for any proposal. Also all life members are having equal right of competition for elections of the Society or present in the General Body Meeting and to vote and nominate for Executive Committee Elections. The rights and special rights of the members are equal. Each member has got only one vote.
    • Immediately after becoming a member, he/she may be supplied with a copy of bye-laws at free of cost. If more than one copy is required it shall be provided at the fee fixed by the Executive Committee from time to time.
  • Eligibility of Officer Bearers and Members: For initial two terms (3 years each) office bearers would be elected from Founding Members (FM) of SOCIETY. Thereafter the office bearers would be elected from Founding Members or Regular Members of SOCIETY. All the following criteria should be fulfilled to apply for a post of office bearer.
    • The office bearers should be either a neurologist or a neurosurgeon (basic qualification of MBBS, followed by either DM/DNB in Neurology or MCh/DNB in Neurosurgery or equivalent foreign degree). The ‘equivalent foreign degree’ will be decided as per the norms of Medical Council of India (MCI).
    • A neurologist will be eligible to contest for any of the posts of Office Bearers (see below). A neurosurgeon is eligible to contest for two of the six posts of Executive Committee members only.
    • An office bearer should have at least 5 years of experience after becoming a Neurologist or Neurosurgeon.
    • SOCIETY Members residing in India and Indian Nationals are only eligible to be office bearers. Office bearers who leave India for a period more than 6 months should forfeit the post.
    • An office bearer should be selected based on his/her interest and contribution in the field of Nerve muscle disorder . At least five papers in peer reviewed journal related to Nerve muscle disorder should have been published AND endorsement by at least two founding members regarding his/her interest in Nerve muscle disorder should be a mandate while selecting an office bearer.
  • Composition of the office bearers/ executive board:
    • President (1 year)
    • Secretary (3 years)
    • Treasurer (3 years)
    • Six Executive committee members - Each will be assigned separate charges, e.g. CME, Membership committee, Educational committee, etc. (three years)
    • Editor of Journal (3 years)
    • Editor of website: 2 candidate President, president elect, secretary, treasurer, four executive committee members and editor of the journal/website should be a neurologist. Except President elect, all other existing office bearers can contest for two consecutive terms
  • Responsibilities of Officer Bearers and Members:
    • President: The President of SOCIETY will be the formal representative of the SOCIETY at national and international forums. The President will strive to lead the Society for the scientific growth of the disciplines represented by the society. The President, the Secretary and the EC members will appoint suitable member as Chairman of each Core Interest Group. The responsibilities of the President shall be:
      • To provide leadership to the profession, the board and the membership.
      • To represent the society at various other forums or will be able to designate his powers for such activity.
      • To support the society and its policies internally and externally.
      • To exercise the governing authority of Executive Committee when advised to do so by the Executive Committee.
      • Plan and chair Executive Committee and general meetings, including meeting agenda preparation in consultation with the Secretary.
      • To act as the main liaison between the Executive Committee and the Secretary.
      • To enforce adherence to the society's Constitution and Bye-laws and assure the integrity of the Society prevails.
      • To initiate and lead the Executive Committee process of annual performance review of the Society in consultation with the Secretary.
      • To review financial reports submitted by the Treasurer, and to advise the Executive Committee of these reports and any necessary actions by the EC.
      • To decide on appointment of Chairman of Core Interest Groups in consultation with the Secretary and EC members.
      • To communicate with the membership on professional matters.
      • To chair General Body Meeting and conduct in coordination with secretary.
    • Secretary: The Secretary will be the administrative head of the SOCIETY and communicate all the administrative decisions of SOCIETY to members and other agencies. The Secretary will discuss important matters of SOCIETY with the President and obtain concurrence from the President on administrative decisions. The responsibilities of the Secretary shall be:
      • Ensuring meetings are approved, circulated to EC members, organized and minutes of meetings are recorded.
      • Maintaining effective records and administration.
      • Upholding the legal requirements of governing documents.
      • Communication and correspondence regarding membership and all other Society related activities, planning the annual and other meeting programs content with the EC and others who have been approved to conduct such conferences, seminars and other continuing educational programs.
      • Interacting and supporting the Editors of the Website and Journals and making viable financial supports.
      • Coordinating and participating in government related activities, whenever required.
      • Participation in meetings with the President and other EC members.
      • Exploring opportunities to collaborate with groups and organizations, which have interest in the activities of the Society.
      • To support the Treasurer in the financial governance of the Society.
      • Representing the Society in its interactions with other organizations.
    • Treasurer: The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall be:
      • The Treasurer will handle all monetary transactions of the SOCIETY.
      • The Treasurer shall present audited report of the society at annual meetings /from time to time as required.
      • The Treasurer shall invest the assets of society in a profitable manner in consultation with President. Each member of SOCIETY will strive for the scientific development of the professional area that she/he represents and that makes her/him eligible for membership in SOCIETY. SOCIETY will use internet (email) mode for all communications among members and others. The President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor will have email identity for communications. Their proposed e-mail ID’s would be, and
    • Bond of Treasurer: The Treasurer shall, if required by the Executive Committee, give to the Society such security for the faithful discharge of his or her duties as treasurer of the Society as the Executive Committee may direct. However, the fee for any such bond or security shall be paid by the Society
    • Compensation and Expenses:
      • Secretarial assistance: The President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor and Web Editor will be provided secretarial assistance for performing office work for SOCIETY. The amount of Secretarial assistance will be decided from time to time by the EC.
      • Travel assistance: TA and DA will be granted to the members of EC to attend official Business meetings of EC.
    • Core Interest Groups (CIG) of SOCIETY : The SOCIETY will have Core Interest groups in treatment and research of different types of Nerve muscle disorder like demyelinating neuropathies, herediatary neuropathies, inflammatory neuropathies, toxic neuropathies, muscle disorders;, inflammatory myopathies, herdiatry myopathies, dystrophinopathies, congenital myopathies, Metabolic myopathies, Toxic/drug induced myopathies, Channeopathies, Neuro muscular disorders, Myasthenia gravis, congenital myasthenia, Toxin / drugs affecting Neuromuscular junction etc. Formulation of new Core Interest Group will be prerogative of EC. A member may join more than one Core Group and work for the enrichment of clinical and research activities, and dissipation of knowledge in the areas.
    • Funds:
      • Membership Fees
      • Voluntary Contributions
      • Excess of income over expenditure for any of the seminars and other program conducted under the aegis of SOCIETY
      • Donations by other organizations, industry, societies, government, pharmaceutical companies, non-governmental organizations, charitable organizations, etc
    • Usage of Funds:
      • No part of the net earnings of the Society shall be used to the benefit of any individual, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.
      • The amount collected by the Society may be used for the following purposes with prior approval of the General Body Meeting:
        • Salaries to the employees of the SOCIETY, secretarial assistance, and all kinds of service charges (if any).
        • Rent, electricity charges etc., for the premises of Society.
        • Printing and stationary, postage expenses and other office expenses.
        • Maintenance of the facilities, e.g. website of the Society
        • TA and DA for office bearers to attend official business meetings of EC/ SOCIETY
        • Annual subscription for dailies, periodicals, etc.
        • Supporting expenditure on society publications like Journal, Public awareness material, scientific material, etc
        • Supporting educational activities, CMEs, conferences, workshops, etc.
        • Supporting activities to provide expert assistance to Society in the field of NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS
        • Supporting Travel Fellowships to researches related to NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS for attending educational activity of SOCIETY or other activity nationally or internationally.
        • Supporting research in the field of NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERS when there are sufficient funds.
        • Any other expenses sanctioned/approved by the Executive Committee.
    • Mode of Payment:
      • All the payments made to the NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERSSOCIETY OF INDIA are by way of cash or crossed Cheque/DD in favor of the Society.
      • Facility of online credit card or debit card payment may be instituted in due course of time.
    • Investment of the Funds: The Executive Committee of the Society may invest its remaining funds at its choice as per Rules and Regulations of Delhi Societies Registration Act, 1960.
    • Bank Account:
      • As per the decision of the Executive Committee, the Society shall open its Bank account in the name of NERVE MUSCLE DISORDERSSOCIETY OF INDIA in any Nationalized/Private/Co-Operative/Scheduled Banks. And for all transactions in such accounts i.e. deposit and withdrawal shall be done with joint signatures of the Treasurer and any other office bearer of SOCIETY.
      • The Administrative and Financial Year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March.
      • The Executive Committee may appoint one Chartered Accountant to audit books of accounts prepared by the society.
      • The accounts of the Society, Assets and Liabilities Account, shall be audited by the Chartered Accountant appointed by the Executive Committee, thereafter these may be submitted to the General Body Meeting for approval.
      • If any explanation is needed in the Accounts of the Society by any of the Member, they can obtain the same through the President or through the Secretary of the Society.
    • Amendments to the Bye-Laws: The rules and regulations and bye-laws may be framed or amended by the Society in its General Body Meeting with 2/3rd majority of votes of the members present in the meeting. However, at least 20 voting members should be present in the meeting.
    • Time Limit for any proposals by the Members: Any proposals or any amendments with regard to activities of the Society or with regard to forming of sub-committees by the Members of the Society, they shall give notice for the same with minimum 30 days before the General Body of the Society.
    • Executive Committee: The Executive Committee can formulate any new policy for the functioning of SOCIETY and implement it, after getting it approved by majority of EC members. However an EC meeting can be called only if more than 50% of EC members are present.
    • Quorum for General Body Meeting:
      • The presence of the members shall not be less than 1/3 rd of total number of members for every General Body Meeting. If the said quorum is not present within half an hour from the time fixed for the General Body Meeting, that meeting may be postponed. The postponement of the said meeting date, time and place may be fixed by the President and inform the same to members. In such postponed meeting no quorum is required to conduct the meeting. In the postponed meeting no new subject shall be discussed.
      • Preparation of the Income – Expenditure Budget for the coming year is the responsibility of the Executive Committee.
    • Annual General Meeting:
      • The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be conducted once during each calendar year at a place and time to be determined by the Executive Committee. To all the Members of the Society the meeting notice shall be conveyed by the secretary 1 Month before to the Annual General Meeting. The President or in his absence, a President-elect or the senior most member of the Executive Committee shall take the chair at the Annual General Meeting, and no business shall be transacted without there being 20 members of the Society present.
      • To discuss and approve of the previous year accounts.
      • To submit the list of elected Office bearers whenever election takes place.
      • And to submit Income & Expenditure budget for the next year.
      • And to submit the reports of the officers.
      • The secretary will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting if called with notice given by minimum 20 members of the society and with resolutions proposed and seconded by members for discussion in the meeting.
    • Right to Vote and Candidature for Election:
      • To participate in General Body Meeting and in Executive Committee the member should clear all his subscriptions/ dues to the Society and his name should find a place in the voters list.
      • The election may be conducted in the General Body either by raising hands or by secret ballot system. Every member who is present in person or his agent at the time of election is having right to vote.
      • The members may cast their vote by personally or through their representatives. The appointment of such representatives, the member shall give authorization in his own handwriting in a signed across, closed sealed envelope. The envelope would be opened by EC members and the appointed representative may be allowed to vote if the members are satisfied about the authenticity of authorization.
      • If the member fails to pay towards service, subscriptions, and or other charges due to the Society such a person/member is not eligible to vote in any meetings. The Executive Committee may display their names in the notice board of the Society.
      • All the decision taken in the meeting shall be decided with majority of the members present in such meeting. At the time of amendment to the rules and regulations of the Society the 3:4 quorum is a must and should.
    • Special Meeting:

      If the Executive Committee found it necessity to conduct special meeting or 1/3rd members present and ½ of the Executive Committee Members proposes to conduct special Meetings in writing and by the Order of the Registrar of the Societies that special meeting may be conducted within 30 days from the date of such demand by giving 21 days notice to all the members of the Society. In the said notice place of meeting, date, time and matters to be discussed, etc., shall be mentioned. Any one of the members not received such meeting notice is not the cause to cancel such meeting.

      Immediately after completion of the year, the annual accounts may be prepared by the President/Secretary and such accounts may be audited by an Auditor who is having right to audit as per the Section 296 of the Companies Act and that audited accounts may be submitted to the General Body Meeting.

      Within 14 days from the date of obtaining permission of the General Body as per Section -- of the Delhi Societies Registration Act, 1960, the List of Executive Committee Members and Annual Accounts of the Society may be submitted to the Registrar of Societies.

    • Executive Committee Meeting:

      The Executive Committee can formulate any new policy for the functioning of SOCIETY and implement it, after getting it approved by majority of EC members. However an EC meeting can be called only if more than 50% of EC members are present. The Executive Committee is having right to take decisions in day to day activities and administration of the Society.

      The Executive Committee also has right to safeguard the interest of all members of the society and to employ necessary staff.

    • Executive Committee Meeting:

      The Executive Committee can formulate any new policy for the functioning of SOCIETY and implement it, after getting it approved by majority of EC members. However an EC meeting can be called only if more than 50% of EC members are present. The Executive Committee is having right to take decisions in day to day activities and administration of the Society.

    • Notice of Meetings:

      Written or printed notice (paper or electronic) stating the place, day and hour of any meeting of members shall be signed by the President or Secretary of the Society and shall be delivered either personally, by first class mail, or e-mail to each member entitled to vote at such meeting, not less than thirty (30) nor more than fifty (50) days before the date of such meeting. In case of a special meeting or when otherwise required by statute or by these bye-laws, such notice shall also include the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called. In the case of a special meeting, no business other than that specified in the notice of such meeting shall be transacted at any such meeting.

    • Action without a Meeting:

      Any action required or permitted by the Certificate of Incorporation, these Bylaws to be taken by the Executive Committee at a meeting thereof may be taken without a meeting if one or more written consents, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the directors entitled to vote on the subject matter of the action and retained in the corporate records. Action taken pursuant to written consent shall be effective when the last Executive Committee member signs the consent or upon such other effective date as is specified in the consent.

    • Amendment:

      As per Section -- of the DelhiSocieties Registration Act, 1960 the memorandum of Society and Bye-laws may be amended from time to time if found necessary. Such amendments shall come into effect only after obtaining consent from the Registrar of Societies.

    • Dissolution:

      The Society may dissolve by taking steps as per Sections --- of the Delhi Registration Act, 1960.

    • Amalgamation:

      The Society may amalgamate in any other Registered Society/Society by taking steps as per Section ---of Delhi Societies Registration Act, 1960.

    • Rights and Duties of the Executive Committee and the Office Bearers:
      • The SOCIETY will have a President, President-elect, Past-President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Journal Editor, two website Editors, and six Executive members.
      • Each Core Interest Group will have a Chairperson for organizing its activities. Chairperson of each CIG will be appointed by the Executive Committee of the NPSI.
      • The President or the Secretary can chair meetings of the Executive Committee, which shall be held on at least two occasions during the year. No business shall be transacted without the presence of at least 50% of Executive committee members.
      • The Executive Committee shall have the power to form such other subcommittees and Task Forces as it considers required from time to time.
      • The Secretary of SOCIETY will present all membership issues in the EC meetings and implement all the decisions of the EC.
      • The Secretary shall maintain all records of MSDI meetings, its decisions, details of works carried out for implementation of the decisions, and matters of interest to the Society and present them at the EC meetings, and make them available to any member on written request.
      • The Secretary will interact with the President and implement decisions with their approval.
      • The Executive Committee of the NERVE MUSCLE SOCIETY is having power to administer day to day activities and also to take necessary disciplinary actions of the Society.
      • The questions arises in the Executive Committee may be decided by majority of votes members presented in the meeting and if equal votes voted then the President of the meeting is having second vote to decide the matter.
      • The Executive Committee may change its officials for any works at its discretion or for any special purposes the Committee may constitute sub-committees consisting of its members. The Sub-Committees constituted by the Executive Committee may function as per the directions of the Executive Committee from time to time with certain terms and conditions.
    • Miscellaneous:

      Cheques, Drafts, etc. All checks, drafts and orders for payment of money shall be signed in the name of the Society and shall be signed and countersigned by such officer or officers as the Executive Committee or other duly authorized employees or agents of the Society shall from time to time designate for the purpose.

      Contracts: When the execution of any contract or other instrument has been authorized without specification of the executing officers, the President together with the Secretary may execute the same in the name and on behalf of the Society.

      Audit: The Society's accounts are to be audited at least once in each year by a chartered accountant and this report is to be presented by the Treasurer to the Executive Committee.

    • General:
      • Singular includes plural and masculine gender includes feminine gender wherever used and where applicable.
      • Other than the Rules and Regulations as mentioned supra they are including the Rules and Regulations as per Delhi Societies Registration Act, 1960 and amendments made thereon are all applicable from time to time.